Treating Holiday Back Pain
The most important priority to AVALA Spine is treating your back pain. That could mean a surgery, or it could mean another approach. The doctors with AVALA Spine only want to make sure your problem is solved, and sometimes a surgery may or may not be the right choice.
If your low back pain or neck pain kept you from enjoying the holiday fun, here’s a list of some things you can do to help yourself in the New Year:

Research your symptoms
A quick google search will give you some information about common spine conditions, and options to treat your back pain. This cannot serve as an official diagnosis, but it may give you a better idea to describe to a doctor later on.

Evaluate your physical health
Most holiday fixings aren’t the healthiest options for meals. Extra pounds could only add to the strain on your back. One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is to lose weight, but in this case it could relieve some of your pain.

Start an exercise program
- A controlled exercise program can help the structure of your spine. If you are new to exercise, a physical therapist may be able to introduce you to new exercises to help strengthen your spine. You may need to visit several therapists before finding a regimen that works for you.

Consult a Surgeon
- If physical therapy doesn’t work, then it may be time to consider surgery. AVALA Spine specializes in minimally invasive procedures to end back pain with the fastest recovery possible. After our procedures, all you will need is a Band-Aid over the wound!
If you are ready to make an appointment, or have an MRI or CT scan you would like a surgeon to review with you, make an appointment online or by calling us at 985-400-5778.